Radzen support plans for the future (paid) version of IdentityServer4 (5)

In the Radzen tool there is the option to opt-in for authentication and authorization using IdentityServer4. However, in October of last year the people behind IdentityServer4 posted that the current version of IdentityServer4 will be the last version which will be 'free open source', meaning that future releases will be paid-only. The post can be found here: https://leastprivilege.com/2020/10/01/the-future-of-identityserver/

To quote:
'The current version (IdentityServer4 v4.x) will be the last version we work on as free open source. We will keep supporting IdentityServer4 until the end of life of .NET Core 3.1 in November 2022.'

So November of next year the support for IdentityServer4 will stop. What are Radzen's plans with this? Will IdentityServer4 be removed from the options? Will IdentityServer5 be included but with a notification that it is paid?

Any thoughts on this?

Hi @Nicolas_Mousserin,

We are not using IdentityServer for authentication and authorization in server-side Blazor applications. More info about Radzen generated security can be found here:

IdentityServer is used in Radzen generated Blazor WebAssembly applications just because this is template provided by Microsoft. If/when they update the template (and they will most probably) we will update our templates.