Radzen Steps duplicates if conditions is used

I need different steps for different cases.
So some of the steps are inside @if statement.

First it works well, but if the state has been changed multiple times - new step numbers created. They are never being removed, only added.

Here is the code. .Net 7.0
latest Radzen nuget

You can use Visible property of the step item to avoid this.


here is the code - invalid steps are created

<RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="_secondStateEnabled"

                step 1
        @if (_secondStateEnabled)
                    step 2
                step 3

@code {
    private bool _secondStateEnabled;

Check my previous posts on how to avoid this.

sorry, which posts do you mean?

I found that one about dynamic columns: https://blazor.radzen.com/datagrid-conditional-columns-render?theme=material3

I tried to apply it to the steps, but logic in code doesn't work in that case ( refresh is always true).

<RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="_secondStateEnabled"
                Change=@(() => _refresh = true)



@code {
    private bool _secondStateEnabled;
    private bool _refresh;

    RenderFragment RenderSteps()
        return __builder =>
            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                            step 1
                    @if (_secondStateEnabled)
                                step 2

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