How is the PostgreSQL connectivity coming? It is now January 2018, are you able to indicate if you are weeks, months or years away from PostgreSQL support? Just trying to get a general idea of your timeline.
Thanks for the quick reply! I work with both MS and Postgre SQL so I can experiment with MS for now. I use PostGIS for the spatial functions and have a few recent database projects that need a web front end. The databases are built, populated and integrated into desktop applications so they are maintained and ready to go. Radzen seems like a perfect solution for my use case.
Can you provide more info about the functionality in the current desktop apps? At the moment Radzen is using .NET Core and the support for spatial types in the framework itself, EF and OData is very limited, still there are third party solutions like GeoAPI that might work however we have not tried them.
We use 3rd party apps like QGIS to build and publish maps. We don’t maintain the spatial data, I consume it from others at regular intervals so I do that directly in the database and server side integration services. I would create a web map service that would be consumed by OpenLayers or Leaflet and Javascript on the web side for any spatial rendering. So I don’t really need to interact with the spatial data via Radzen. I would just want to build a CRUD app to display and edit the table data. So I am in Postgre to take advantage of easy integration with QGIS and Web Map Services and could use a turnkey way to spin up a fairly simple but secure front end web app with straightforward tables and forms.