I am using Radzen Scheduler in my Blazor Server Application
When I go to the page for the first time. It takes a lot of time to load the scheduler. Afterward, it becomes really responsive.
Can you please tell me whats the issue here
Do you have the same problem with our demo? Maybe your database access takes longer time.
I am testing this issue on my local machine. I believe the calendar libraries are loaded when you visit the page. Once they are loaded it runs smooth
@enchev Hello Enchev
This issue only comes on Edge. It is working fine on Chrome and Firefox.
I'm afraid I cannot provide any additional info why it is slow on Edge.
Should I create an issue in the repository?
Not sure how this will help. On my Edge our demo loads instantly:
This happens with my app as well. The first time it's slow after which it is almost instant. If restart the app in azure and then access the scheduler again I can reproduce it. So it always occurs on the first time I access it. It also happens the first time if I clear all cookies/cache then try to access it.
Can you test the suggestion from this github issue? Add this code somewhere in your app so it executes at startup:
class MyCustomTypeProvider : IDynamicLinkCustomTypeProvider
static readonly HashSet<Type> empty = [];
public HashSet<Type> GetCustomTypes() => empty;
public Dictionary<Type, List<MethodInfo>> GetExtensionMethods() => throw new NotSupportedException();
public Type ResolveType(string typeName) => throw new NotSupportedException();
public Type ResolveTypeBySimpleName(string simpleTypeName) => throw new NotSupportedException();
And then in Program.cs do this:
System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.ParsingConfig.Default.CustomTypeProvider = new MyCustomTypeProvider();
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This worked a charm. My scheduler now loads instantly. THANK YOU!
Scheduler loads instantly with this update. Hopefully didn't introduce any issues elsewhere. Thank you!