Radzen Scheduler monthview 'moreText' Dialog

Hey, I'm Working with the Radzen Scheduler component and I would like to override the method that is called on "moreText", which is a button that appears when a certain number of appointments have been made. My end goal is to customize the Dialog that is displaying all the appointments on a given day, but so far I have been unable to figure out if this is even possible.

Hi @Claush_Benisson,

This functionality can't be overridden at the moment. We would accept a pull request with such a possibility. For example a new event can be added and if handled prevent the dialog from opening.

Hi Korchev, I'd like to know if eventually the override functionality of the click event on "moretext" had been developed. Since I use my own custom dialog i can't intercept the click event.
Thank you very much.


Yes, this has been implemented by a community member some time ago.

Ok, tks very much but I don't have the faintest idea where to start...

You need to handle the MoreSelect event and call args.PreventDefault() in order to prevent the default action which is opening the dialog.

<RadzenScheduler MoreSelect=@OnMoreSelect ... />
@code {
async Task OnMoreSelect(SchedulerMoreSelectEventArgs args)

OK, i didn't see that there was event attribute called @MoreSelect in the Scheduler component. Thanks so much again for the help! :wink: