Dear Reader,
Welcome to the October, 2017 issue of the Radzen monthly newsletter!
The major new additions that shipped this month are:
- Azure AD authentication and Microsoft Graph support. Read more.
- Autocomplete component.
- OData Functions, Actions, Singletons and Containment support. Read more.
- Lookup sorting and filtering. Read more.
- Full changelog.
- Security improvements (change password, multiple roles per user, etc.)
- Angular application localization
- New components (CheckBox, RadioButton, SplitButton, TextArea, Slider, ListBox, DataList, Mask and TabStrip)
- Roadmap.
- Invoke custom server-side method
- Custom navigation menu
- Autocomplete and Label component properties
- Connect to Microsoft Graph data using Azure AD authentication
- Data-source authentications
If you have questions, need help or want to share your feedback with us you can post on our forum or shoot an email at
Warm regards,
The Radzen Team