Radzen Grid in line editable


I have managed all works on my grid but now I have problem with field which is not filiing fully cell just some ...

the input field should run the entire length of the "column"

how to fix it ?

You should set Style="width:100%" to these components.

For all column there is
RadzenDataGrid ColumnWidth="320px"

however for few I need to have exact width like for "role"

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" Title="@key.Key" Property=@GetColumnPropertyExpression(key.Key, key.Value) Type="key.Value" TextAlign="TextAlign.Left"  Visible=v.Value Frozen="true" Width="400px">


                <EditTemplate >
                    <RadzenTextBox  Value=@context[@key.Key].ToString()
                       Change=@(value => @context[@key.Key] = value) />

When I click on edit then I dont have on full. I have try add as you wrote but no luck ?

You need to set the style to RadzenTextBox . Check my reply once again.