Radzen Dynamically Created Tabs - How to get a value of selected/active tab?

Hello again,

In my project, I created RadzenTabsItems based on VendorId of order details. I want to get the active/selected tab VendorId so that I can pass it to a method and use it. Any ideas on how I can solve this?


             var detailVendorId = 0;
      @foreach (var detail in orderDetails)
                @if (detailVendorId != detail.VendorId)
                      <RadzenTabsItem Text="@detail.Vendor.Name">

You will need some dictionary where you can access value by tab index. You can also bind SelectedIndex and use it to get desired value from the dictionary:

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Thank you @enchev. I used the dictionary as you suggested and it works but why it renders twice when the page loads? It gets my data doubled.

The vendors dictionary:

Here is how I added the dictionary:

<RadzenTabs @bind-SelectedIndex=@_selectedTab Change=@OnChange>

                                var detailVendorId = 0;
                            @foreach (var detail in orderDetails)
                                @if (detailVendorId != detail.VendorId)
                                    <RadzenTabsItem Text="@detail.Vendor.Name">
                                    vendors.Add(count, detail.VendorId);
 int _selectedTab = 0;
 IDictionary<int, int> vendors = new Dictionary<int, int>();
 int count = 0;
 void OnChange(int index)
     _selectedTab = index;

Iā€™m afraid that I cannot comment since I know nothing about your application. Maybe you have server prerender:

Whatever is causing this you can simply check if the key is already present before adding.

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