Radzen DropDown - Selected values not getting updated in input

I'm following these Microsoft docs to incorporate Radzen components into razor pages on the server side of my Blazor Webassembly project. I've managed to get a datagrid up and running as well as a dropdown, but I've hit a slight issue with the dropdown.

The dropdown (multiselect) loads and is pulling through the correct options. However, when I click on one of those options, the selected values in the input field do not get updated as they do with the examples on the Radzen site (even though it's clearly selected in the actual dropdown list). If I click away from the dropdown, the input field still does not get updated. It's only when I then click on the dropdown again that it finally updates the selected values in the input field to reflect what is actually selected.

I've created a custom component ("LineManagerDropdown.razor") that incorporates the Radzen dropdown and that looks like this:

<RadzenDropDown AllowClear="true" AllowFiltering="true" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive"
            Multiple="true" Placeholder="Please Select" @bind-Value="@SelectedLineManagers"
            Data="@Data" TextProperty="FirstName" ValueProperty="Id"  />

@code {

    [Parameter] public List<int> SelectedLineManagers { get; set; }

    [Parameter] public List<UserDto> Data { get; set; }


The code in the cshtml (razor) page where I'm actually implementing the dropdown looks like this:

<component type="typeof(LineManagerDropdown)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered"
                   param-SelectedLineManagers="@Model.Input.SelectedLineManagers" param-Data="@Model.Input.LineManagers" />

If anyone has any advice on what might be causing this I would be very grateful. I'm not able to see any errors in my consol.e.