Radzen Dropdown inside of Radzen datagrid Defaults

i have looked up some examples and cannot find my exact issue. i want to have a default value (active) for the radzen dropdown, that filters on load.

here is my column:

    <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="ContractData" Property="ContractStatus" Title="Status" Width="75px" FilterValue="@FValueStatus" FilterOperator="FilterOperator.Contains" LogicalFilterOperator="LogicalFilterOperator.Or" Type="typeof(IEnumerable<string>)">
            <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value=@FValueStatus Style="width:100%;"
                            Change=@OnSelectedFValueStatusChange Data="@(StatusValuesList)" AllowClear="true" Multiple="true"/>

and setups:
IEnumerable FValueStatus;
List StatusValuesList = new List { "Active", "Closed" };

but it seems there isnt a proper way to set defaults. i have looked at some examples where using the bind value will auto select it, but in this case changing bind value no longer allows filter.

after more issues of trial an error, i have something that is no longer erroring randomly.

My Column - which i swapped bind-value(dropdown) and filter property(column), and was playing with the change value:

 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="ContractData" Property="ContractStatus" Title="Status" Width="75px" FilterValue="@defaultValuesList" FilterOperator="FilterOperator.Contains" LogicalFilterOperator="LogicalFilterOperator.Or" Type="typeof(IEnumerable<string>)">
            <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value=@defaultValuesList Style="width:100%;"
                            Change=@OnSelectedFValueStatusChange Data="@(StatusValuesList)" AllowClear="true" Multiple="true" />

and added code:

  IEnumerable<string> defaultValuesList = new List<string> { "Active" };
  public void OnSelectedFValueStatusChange(object value)
    if (defaultValuesList != null && !defaultValuesList.Any())
        defaultValuesList = null;

in fact, looking closely, it looks like i just needed to initialize my original
IEnumerable FValueStatus;