instead of allowing my users to close a modal dialog by selecting the close [x] box in the windows title bar (just beside the min max buttons), i would like them to click on my form specific Cancel button.
in my online search, i found something like this:
the accepted answer to that issue in the above link was this:
I found this to be a good solution
closeOnEscape: false,
beforeClose: function (event, ui) { return false; },
dialogClass: "noclose"
Not altering the existing styles, instead adding a new bit:
.noclose .ui-dialog-titlebar-close
Adding the class ended up being quite an elegant method, as i'm "classing" the dialog as one that cannot be closed.
for radzen blazor, what might be the recommended approach?
i'm ok if i can just disable that [x]
is .ui-dialog-titlebar-close some sort of standard/well-known css class name with an agreed upon meaning? if so, could you recommend a reference link where i could find other such "well-known" css class names? i notice many such .ui-xxx... class names used in radzen and i've been wondering what convention(s) you use.
Hello Korchev
I am fairly new to this web programming.
It will be great if you can share a code snippet for dialogService.OpenAsync call.
Where to write this css class and how to pass it to the OpenAsync function call?