Radzen dialog. RadzenCheckBox inside dialog not change its state

Hi everyone.
here is an example:
<RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="v1" @ref="vv1" Change="()=>v1Change()" TValue="bool" />
<RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="v2" @ref="vv2" Change="()=>v2Change()" TValue="bool" />

async Task v1Change()

like this its working, v2 checkbox change its state.
But if these checkboxes are inside RadzenCard like this:

dialogService.Open("editing", ds =>
<RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="v1" @ref="vv1" Change="()=>v1Change()" TValue="bool" />
<RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="v2" @ref="vv2" Change="()=>v2Change()" TValue="bool" />

the state not changed. i need these checkboxes in popup dialog.
how can i solve this issue?

update. if i trying to set value manually like :
vv2.Value = false;
its set up correctly, .GetValue() return correct value but checkbox not redraw correctly, visual state not changed.

problem has been solved.
solution - Update data inside dialog