Radzen Dialog Bug

The 4.1.15 version seems to have introduced a bug with the Radzen dialog. It appears to be related to Z position. Top image is 4.1.14 and bottom is 4.1.15.


And the code:

bool? result = await dialogService.OpenAsync<AnnouncementDialog>(announcementID > 0 ? "View Announcement" : "Add Announcement",
            new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "announcementID", announcementID } },
            new DialogOptions() { Width = "420px", Resizable = false, Draggable = true });

It seems that you are using old version of the theme css.

I am using a SASS file built one so I can change the colors and such. Is there an updated version of the SASS file project?

The latest version of our themes are here:

I updated to Radzen 2.80.8 and am having this issue with already generated apps as well as new ones.

I compared code in Chrome Developer Tools to dialog from before the upgrade & it seems the upgrade is missing the z-index for the dialog.

Hi @kirank,

Make sure you don’t have something in the application ignore list. If you have custom theme Radzen will not run the app and will show message to regenerate the theme by edit application settings and press save.

Thanks @enchev

I've created a new app in Radzen. Nothing in application ignore and no custom theme.

If I add the following to style.css, the dialog is fine. I suspect the z-index was being added in the generated code for dialog but isn't now with the updated dialog.

rz-dialog { z-index; 1001; }

What type of application you’ve created? Blazor server or WASM? Can you clear your browser cache or browse the application in incognito mode?


I did a Shift + Refresh of the app and it fixed the issue.

So browser was caching the old css.

All good now.

Thank you for assisting.