Radzen Blazor Studio can't render page with @rendermode

I use .NET 8 and @rendermode directive.
But Radzen Blazor Studio can't render page with this directive.

C:\Users\ilya\source\repos\BlazorTest\BlazorTest\Components\Pages\ItemsRadzen.razor(9,25): error CS0103: The name 'rendermode' does not exist in the current context

   at Radzen.Server.ProjectContext.Compile(Compilation compilation, AssemblyLoadContext context)
   at Radzen.Server.ProjectContext.Compile(Compilation compilation)
   at Radzen.Server.ProjectServer.Compile(String fileName, String source, RazorProjectEngine projectEngine)
   at Radzen.Server.ProjectServer.CompilePage(String fileName, String source, RazorProjectEngine engine)
   at Radzen.Server.ProjectServer.Render(String fileName, String source, Boolean renderLayout)
   at Radzen.Server.ProgramController.Render(RenderRequest request)

Screenshot 2023-12-25 215700
Screenshot 2023-12-25 215803

How can I fix this?

Hi @Ilya,

Thank you for reporting this issue. We will address it with the next release.