Radzen/Blazor is tech preview?


We have decided to use Radzen for a project, after carrying out some successful proof of concept.

But is correct think that Radzen/Blazor is tech very new for develop system for production environment ?

Will are possible migrate from Radzen/Angular to Radzen/Blazor in the future?


Hi @jmptrader,

Radzen is following Microsoft Blazor versions and if the framework is in preview phase so is our tool. We believe that later this year (fall most probably) Blazor will be released officially. Migration between Angular and Blazor projects are not going to be possible.

Best Regards,

Hi Vladimir,

If the migration between Angular and Blazor projects are will not going to be possible then, this means that Radzen will maintain support for this two platforms in the future, including new features and hot fixes for issues. Is right ?

Best Regards,

Hi JM,

Yep, we plan to maintain both platforms.

Best Regards,