Radzen Blazor - IIS - openid connection error


I published my app to azure without any problem.

Now I published it to iis. The login page loads, but I am not able to login. I also tried to clear the app cache etc.

I get the error:
AuthenticationService.js:1 GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

But I do not know what to do now? Thanks.

This seems to be an issue related to IdentityServer which Radzen WebAssembly applications use. Unfortunately the error is not known to us. You can check the event viewer of your server (the Application Errors section) for any exceptions.


I updated radzen to the newest version and published the application to iis. Know I have a new error:
Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource '' with computed SHA-256 integrity 'YmDf6eNFvI5MFtQuORs6FaZQwIgsymRkPhtsO6ByeI4='. The resource has been blocked.


You can search for this error online. Usually it indicates cached or old data. Here is an answer from stackoverflow: .net core - Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource in Blazor app - Stack Overflow

Please try searching online for such generic Blazor errors - the answer is usually in the first result.

Thanks. The second problem was really just restarting etc. like in the link.

But the first problem ist still here and I cannot find anything.
In the event viewer are only entries with information but no warning etc. So I cannot find the problem here?

The only error I can find is in the browser:

Maybe you have an additional tip for me? Thanks.

Hey @MarkusW,

Not sure what this share-modal.js file is? Is this some third party or custom JavaScript? For sure it's not part of Radzen.Blazor components.

I created a new .net 6 app with security and started debugging.
There I have the same error with the share-modal.js

I do not use any third party or custom JavaScript in the project.

Thanks. I uninstalled the extension.
Now only the error with the openid-configuration is left:

How is it possible to find the problem? Thanks.

Now that I check it seems your app isn't using HTTPS. I don't think IdentityServer works without HTTPS. Search online how to instal a SSL certificate in your IIS server.

Thanks. Now it is working.

Now I have another question about this.

I used ngrok for the https connection.
It is very easy and fast to setup.

But in the local network I still do not have https. So the only option is to buy a domain and a ssl certificate?

Is it more secure to use ngrok to connect the iis server to the internet or is it the same as using my public IP/domain and iis?


I’m afraid we cannot comment, maybe you can search the internet for additional info.