Radzen Autocomplete Issues


I am having issues with the AutoComplete component throwing an error when you begin to use the component.


My declaration for the component is this:
<RadzenAutoComplete @bind-Value="selected" Style="/*" Name="Search" Data="@lst" Placeholder="Search..." FilterCaseSensitivity=Radzen.FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive Change="@(args => Change(args))" />

The Data list is a List and the selected bound variable is a string value.

Also, i am running version 3.0.7

Thanks for any help!

Hey @alien8tr96,

Works normally on our demo:

Try to debug your code to see what's going on.

I had the same problem. It seems that it doesn't work when trying to bind to collection of primitive type, it works only with complex types.