Since i've updated Radzen to 5.9.7 version, my Radzen Accordion doesn't have the same displaying.
The accordion item are smaller now as you cans see in the screen captures :
Before :
After :
Is it a css trouble ?
Since i've updated Radzen to 5.9.7 version, my Radzen Accordion doesn't have the same displaying.
The accordion item are smaller now as you cans see in the screen captures :
Before :
It probably is. We can't tell more from the information provided though. What was the version you upgraded from? Did you try clearing your browser cache? Is this a custom theme? What is this theme?
The previous version was 4.32.7 and i didn't see the configuration of Radzen in the project have changed
I didn't put 'RadzenTheme Theme="material"' in the app.razor.
It works as before,now.
Thanls for your support.
Sorry but i have another trouble that i haven't seen.
The accordion item size is good now but the style that have put on (and partuculary the text color) doesn't apply anymore.
Before :
There are lot of changes introduced in Radzen.Blazor 5.0. Check here for a complete log: https://blazor.radzen.com/changelog