Radzen Accordion display


Since i've updated Radzen to 5.9.7 version, my Radzen Accordion doesn't have the same displaying.
The accordion item are smaller now as you cans see in the screen captures :
Before :

After :

Is it a css trouble ?


It probably is. We can't tell more from the information provided though. What was the version you upgraded from? Did you try clearing your browser cache? Is this a custom theme? What is this theme?

The previous version was 4.32.7 and i didn't see the configuration of Radzen in the project have changed
I didn't put 'RadzenTheme Theme="material"' in the app.razor.
It works as before,now.
Thanls for your support.

Sorry but i have another trouble that i haven't seen.
The accordion item size is good now but the style that have put on (and partuculary the text color) doesn't apply anymore.
Before :

Now :

There are lot of changes introduced in Radzen.Blazor 5.0. Check here for a complete log: https://blazor.radzen.com/changelog