RadioList on Tabs are changing in unison


I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what. I have three tabs generated by a loop.
On each tab I then generate a RadioSelectList and each RadioList is getting it's correct list options.

However if I select a RadioList option like 2 the other tabs RadioList switch to option two as well.
Somehow I've got it confused thinking all the RadioList across all tabs are "connected"

<RadzenTabs RenderMode="TabRenderMode.Server" Change=@(args => TabChange(args))>
                @foreach (var domain in _defaultRatingValues.RatingDomains)
                    <RadzenTabsItem Text="@domain.Name">
                        <RadzenRadioButtonList TValue="int" Orientation="Orientation.Vertical" Change=@(args => RatingSelection(args))>
                                @foreach (var item in domain.RatingLabels)
                                    <RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text="@item.RatingDescription" Value="@item.RatingValue" />

What am I doing wrong when building my RadzenRadioList options?

You can set Name for each RadzenRadioButtonList to avoid this.

I could have swore I tried this. I'll try again.


I'm sorry but I don't know what I'm missing. They are change in unison?

@foreach (var domain in _defaultRatingValues.RatingDomains)
    var listName = domain.Name.Replace(" ", "");
    <RadzenFieldset Collapsed="true" AllowCollapse="true">
                <RadzenIcon Icon="star_half" /><b style="font-size:20px">@domain.Name</b>
            <RadzenRadioButtonList Value="@SelectedRating" Disabled="@IsRadioDisabled" Name="@listName" TValue="int" Orientation="Orientation.Vertical" Change=@(args => RatingSelection(args, listName))>
                    @foreach (var item in domain.RatingLabels)
                        <RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text="@item.RatingDescription" Value="@item.RatingValue" />
    <br />

I don't know if this is any help or not but here is what is generated in F12 dev tools.

<div class="rz-radio-button-list-vertical " id="LhyTGf2xCk" _bl_703d9261-e934-4d72-8d1c-91c47e21588c="">

@enchev Can you take a quick look and advise if I'm missing something?

I've tested your code and it worked normally for me:


Yes you were right again. I was working something else but when I came back to this I found it was a bug in my code and I was syncing them together