Hi there, I would like to use a tree like to display the different geographic divisions of a country. I have a table with a recursive organisation parent/child, but when I use it as the source for the tree it does not group together all the siblings, and shows a parent row for each of them.
I could handle this if the number of divisions is known before hand by creating tables for each level but I do not find that solution very elegant. Besides it would be a different on different scenarios
I am first trying yo use tree, it worked for a situation where I had only two levels and the keys for the first level were on a different table.
I am including a screenshot of the table and how the tree looks like. Tree is bounded to this table, level one and level two use it as schema, one displaying parent another displaying key,
And this is how it looks when I expand, "Provinces" is empty and one country shows its provinces grandchildren and the other shows its capital grandchildren