Progress bar

Hello Radzen Team,
my progressbar shows no Text/Unit.

<div class="row" style="text-align: left">
  <div class="col-md-12       col-lg-4 col-xl-4">
    <RadzenProgressBar ShowValue="true" style="border-radius: 4px; float: none; height: 32px; margin-bottom: 20px" Unit="%" Value="@UploadprogressProzent">

but nothing happens:

I cant find the reason for this :thinking:

Please Help

This is the code:

protected void Uploadprogress(UploadProgressArgs args)
    NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Info, "OK", $"{args.Loaded} von {args.Total} bytes.", 5000);
    UploadprogressText = $"{args.Loaded} von {args.Total} bytes.";
    UploadprogressProzent = args.Progress;
    if (args.Progress == 100)
        foreach (var file in args.Files)
            NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Info, "OK", $"AngehΓ€ngt: {file.Name} / {file.Size} bytes", 5000);
    <div class="row" style="text-align: left">
      <div class="col-md-12         col-lg-12 col-xl-12">
        <RadzenProgressBar ShowValue="true" style="border-radius: 4px; float: none; height: 32px; margin-bottom: 20px" Unit="@UploadprogressText" Value="@UploadprogressProzent" Visible="@(UploadprogressProzent > 0)">

the notifier shows the correct test:

Any ideas?

Our online demo shows how to handle upload progress via ProgressBar.

i have done it so.

But it doesnt work:


Its a problem with the material theme. i tested it in default theme and it works.

and also the "0%" isnt shown in the designer when using material theme.


By material design specification the progressbar does not display any text and is a lot thinner. The Radzen material theme adheres to that and hides the text. You can show it via CSS:

.ui-progressbar-label {
  display: block !important;

ah... i understand. Thinking about this design decision.
I think we will handle it with the thinner version and show no text.

Thank you!

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