Proforma invoice template

Hi there,

I would like to create a proforma invoice template in my Blazor Server application.

Here is the actual template that I will export to PDF:

If I use an HTML editor, can I set some of the text by default (6,7,8)? and is there a way that I can use grids (4) in the editor? I am open to guidance.

Thank you.

Hi @Robot,

You can set the initial value of RadzenHtmlEditor via its Value property. This can be used to specify the initial structure.

Tables aren't currently supported out of the box - they would require a custom tool.

Thank you @korchev.

What do you mean by a custom tool for tables? Can you please elaborate?

I mean RadzenHtmlEditor custom tool.

So using data grid, textarea, etc. inside of the HtmlEditorCustomTool template like the date picker will work, am I correct?

<RadzenHtmlEditor style="height: 200px;">
        <Template Context="editor">
            <RadzenDatePicker Change=@(args => OnDateChange(args, editor)) TValue="DateTime" InputAttributes="@(new Dictionary<string,object>(){ { "aria-label", "select date" }})" />

Is it possible to use DataGrid without a type? I mean I just want to use a data grid for adding rows rather than retrieving/inserting data. At the end of the day, I would like to generate a PDF from this HTML editor.

<RadzenDataGrid @ref="ordersGrid" AllowAlternatingRows="false" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5" AllowSorting="true" EditMode="@editMode"
                Data="@orders" TItem="Order" RowUpdate="@OnUpdateRow" RowCreate="@OnCreateRow" Sort="@Reset" Page="@Reset" Filter="@Reset" ColumnWidth="200px">
        <RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Success" Icon="add_circle" Text="Add New Order" Click="@InsertRow" Disabled="@(editMode == DataGridEditMode.Single && ordersToInsert.Count() > 0)" />

The DataGrid does nor retrieves nor inserts data anywhere - it will add, delete and update rows in a collection with specific item type. The developer is responsible to handle various DataGrid events to update a database with some service methods.

My bad sorry, Thank you @enchev