ProfileMenu has erroneous left border

The ProfileMenu component has a stray left border. It shows up even in the samples on the Radzen web site. It's not easily noticed because it's a light gray border on a white background:


It also shows up on my site:

Here's the code generating the ProfileMenu on my site:

        <div class="col-1">
            <RadzenProfileMenu Style="background-color: sandybrown;">
                    <RadzenIcon Icon="account_circle"></RadzenIcon>
                    <RadzenProfileMenuItem Text="Login or Register" Path="authentication/login" Icon="account_circle"></RadzenProfileMenuItem>

Any help or workaround to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

You can use your browser developer tools inspector to check which element should be modified to fit your needs.

This is by design as the profilemenu is usually used in the header of an application. You can change any styling by overriding the CSS as @enchev suggested. The CSS implementation is available here.

Thank you!!! Got it working the way I want.