Problema con recarga de dropdpwdatagrid

Hola, tengo un problema con dropdatagrid en casacada, no esta funcionando correctamente la recarga. Probé de varias maneras y recarga solo cuando interactuo con el control. Por ejemplo el segundo drop se actualiza cuando escribo algo en la caja de texto y luego borro.

Probé con el metodo poniendo una referencia al control y con el metodo reload y sigue sin funcionar.

Hi @Marcos_H,

We used automatic translation to try understanding your post - it seems you have some trouble with cascading DropDowns. You can check this demo that shows a possible implementation. You can also paste some minimal reproduction of your issue which we can troubleshoot.

sorry for my English.
The problem I have is that it updates according to the cascade after operating with the control.
Reviewing the demo, i think my code is
practically the same, the only difference I see is that I don't use the entity framework

when I make the selection, it does not refresh. When you make the next change it refreshes according to the previous selection