Problem with grid cell render

I've created a new application and tried to add a custom cell render. I've got the following error...

dotnet: E:\DegaDevOps\SystemsManager\server\obj\Debug\net5.0\Razor\Pages\PurchaseOrderView.razor.g.cs(196,67): error CS0123: No overload for 'Grid0CellRender' matches delegate 'Action<DataGridCellRenderEventArgs>' [E:\DegaDevOps\SystemsManager\server\DegafloorSystemManager.csproj]

I've done this before with no issues. The only difference I can see is that previously I've created a project with .NetCore 3.1 and this project was created with .Net 5.0

Is there something different I have to do in .Net 5?

Here are some screen shots for the error when I open the project in Visual Studio.

Thank you for any help you can give.


I've found the issue. My older project freatured a RadzenGrid. This new project has a RadzenDataGrid. Adding a cell render method to a RadzenGrid works, whereas adding a cell render method to the RadzenDataGrid fails. I found this out by comparing the two projects and then manually changing the datagrid to a grid in visual studio. Looks like I'm going to have to see if I can specify the older grid type in the Radzen IDE while I'm working on this project. Meanwhile you guys have a bug to look at with the RadzenDataGrid.



Thanks! It will be fixed in the next update before the end of this week.

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