Problem on deploy to IIS

I run Radzen as Administrator and try to deploy to IIS, but after I deployed from Radzen and I hit the following error:

  1. Browse browser I get HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error (0x8007000d)

  2. I open up IIS manager, and I try to check the Directory Browsing and I get
    Filename: \?\D:\testDeployed\web.config Error:

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Hi @GeoOng,

Your problem sounds to the one discussed here: Angular - successful deployment, but I can't get it to work

Hi team,

I solved the problem.


  1. I downloaded and installed the .Net core Hosting bundle (v5.0)
  2. In the IIS, I added few permissions such as (Everyone,IIS_IUSRS, IUSR,NETWORK, NETWORKSERVICE) with Full Control.

and it works perfect for me.