
I am have built a simple address book application on a single sql table. I will be calling this application from another application. The application will pass a "user" or a value to this and I want it to return records only for this parameter. I am replacing an application that . I can't seem to figure out how to open the application with the data grid pre-filtered. based on a url parameter?

By the way, we are not using the ASPNet. Security Model. Don't ask! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Dwight_Rutledge,

You can use query string to pass a parameter to some of the pages and later read this query string and use it with $filter for the data source method to filter your data. Here is how to get a query string value:

${(new URL(window.location.href)).searchParams.get("CustomerID")}

and here is how to use it in Radzen page to invoke and filter data source data:

Best Regards,

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Thank you for this, but I am having an issue following this because I let the program update to the latest and my screens look different. For example, setting the step 1.1 looks different

Setters are generated from new Data wizard of DataGrid Data property and are not touched by Radzen updates. Are you trying to define your event handler manually?

No, I'm just following the screenshots on this page. I appreciate your help.

You can get the same setters as in my example if you follow DataGrid new Data wizard: