Popup in RadzenDatePicker opens in the wrong place

Hello. I use RadzenDatePicker inside the RadzenDataGrid cell on my page

<RadzenDatePicker TValue="DateTimeOffset?" Value="@context.Complete" InputClass="date-input"
                                  ValueChanged="@(value => Change Complete Data(context, value))" 
                                  Disabled="@(!Is Edit)" Style="width: 100%" Placeholder="-" AllowClear="true"
                                  ShowTime="true" Min="@(context!.Started.HasValue ? context.Started.Value.DateTime : DateTime.Today)"/>

When you click on the date selection button, the pop-up window opens higher than it should
I use Radzen in Blazor Server.Net 8

There is probably some CSS in your application which affects the positioning of the popups. They attach at the end of the <body> element.