When the <RadzenPieSeries StrokeWidth=2 ...> and the stroke color is different than the fill color, the border doesn't go all the way around the pie chart piece. In the example below, the red stroke color was expected to go all the way around the blue pie piece. Is this a bug, or is stroke not supported for pie charts?
Secondly, does the chart legend support svg icons instead of the circle, squares, etc... We use custom SVG icons in our legends as shown below. I think the answer is no because Radzen Chart doesn't support a legend template at this time. Is this correct?
Radzen Blazor Studio Professional owner
Basically we render a <path> element and set its stroke and stroke-width attributes. The rest is what the browser renders. Here is an example taken from the screenshot above:
<path d="M 199.5 0 A 118 118 0 0 1 294.9640053362438 48.641340229488165 L 199.5 118 A 0 0 0 0 0 199.5 118" style="stroke: red;stroke-width: 2;"></path>
It looks like the pie chart fill piece needs to be smaller to account for the strokewidth and therefore the left border is drawing over the right border which is not expected.
I just tested the most popular JS charting library and it seems to behave in the exact same way when it comes to pie slice borders (they overlap as in RadzenChart):
Thank you for the response. I spoke with our designer, they mainly want "spacing" between the pie chart pieces. We tried to achieve this using one color and controlling stroke thickness.
note: the margin option on "RadzenColumnOptions Margin="8" to space out the bars.
The designer wants:
and I am getting the following (double border at the end, and the middle some artifacts: