Open 2nd side dialogs only updates title

We have a problem with a side dialog. When we try to open a new side dialog with one open(in our case a user click on an other row. only the Title updates and not the data itself. in the dialog.

We tried this to run with a CloseSide. But this does not work either.
Is there an option how to solve this. We want te use to click a new row in the data column and show the results in a side dialog. The user should be able to click an other row an the dialog info shoud refresh the dialog.

You can specify parameter for every RowClick and use it in the dialog to retrieve your data. For example:

async Task RowClick(DataGridRowMouseEventArgs<Employee> args)
    await DialogService.OpenSideAsync<DialogSideContent>($"Employee {args.Data.EmployeeID}", 
    new Dictionary<string, object>()
        { "EmployeeID", args.Data.EmployeeID }

Similar example with normal dialog is demonstrated in our first dialog demo.

if we do this. Only the title gets updated.

Looks like you didn’t check the demo I’m referring, here is a link for your convenience: