oData Connected Services


I have an existing Blazor Web Assembly application where I am using odata connected services to do queries on the server.
Now I plan to use the RadzenDataGrid in my Blazor WebAssembly app. Is it somehow possible to link the datasource of the RadzenGrid directly to oData Connected Services. I saw on the samples that an extra Service NorthwindODataService.cs has been written for that purpose but it uses a proprietary oData implemention ODataServiceResult from Radzen. I want to use odata Connected services.

Here's my code with oData Connected services

@page "/"



List<Customer> customers;

protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
   if (firstRender)
     Uri serviceRoot = new Uri("http://localhost:5050/odata");
    var dataServiceContext = new Default.Container(serviceRoot);
    dataServiceContext.HttpRequestTransportMode = HttpRequestTransportMode.HttpClient;
    customers = dataServiceContext.Customers.ToList();


Unfortunately I receive exception:

> Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Rendering.WebAssemblyRenderer[100]
>       Unhandled exception rendering component: Cannot wait on monitors on this runtime.
> System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Cannot wait on monitors on this runtime.


Best regards
Pascal Simler

Hi @psimler,

You can try setting the Data property of the RadzenDataGrid to dataServiceContext.Customers. The exception you are getting isn't related to RadzenDataGrid though.