NumericRangeValidator not working anymore

Good morning,

We have several DataGrid Inline pages, for which we use NumericRangeValidor to check if the value that the user input is valide (for numeric inputs). The min and max value are retrieved from a view in the SQL database

It was working fine, but, since the update on last Thursday, none of them are working anymore. There are no error message during the compilation, however the user is able to input any value in the textbox and it's accepted.

We also tried to input min max values manually, but the same problem is happening, the numeric validator is not signaling that the value is out of range anymore (And the value is still sent to the database)

Is there something that was changed regarding the NumericRangeValidator recently?

Best Regards,

Hi @Yroquain,

Another fix in the validators seems to have affected the NumericRange. We will address that with the next release.