Numeric text box Min Max work only first time

Numeric text box with Min Max validation only works in the first time. In the Numeric text with Min set to 1 and Max set to 10, if I enter 1000 it works first time. Next time if I enter 1000 it accepts. You can repro this issue in the portal itself -

Confirmed and fixed immediately.

Thank you. Is this update available for download? We are using version 2.18.6.

Of course it is. It’s published as usual to NuGet.

Thank you for the help. Is it possible to set a MaxLength property to Numeric text box?

Hi. It appears I'm using a more recent version of Radzen, but am still running into the same issue.

The Max only works on the first input. I am able to type something in, have it be set and then continue typing a large value and then it doesn't update. Here's my code for the component:

<RadzenNumeric ShowUpDown="false" TValue="int?" Min="0" Max="99" @bind-Value=@Value Change=OnChange />

@code {
    public int? Value { get; set; }
    public EventCallback<int?> ValueChanged { get; set; }

    private void OnChange() { ValueChanged.InvokeAsync(Value); }

Experimenting with it, I found the Min/Max works if I set the TValue to be a non-nullable int. Any reason why the validation wouldn't work with a nullable int?

Oops, sorry this is a duplicate of Numeric validation flaw with nullable int