NullReferenceException in RadzenDropDownDataGrid

If AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns = true in RadzenDropDownDataGrid and some string column is null (which is quite common if the column value is optional) then NullReferenceException is thrown.

The exception is thrown in the method RadzenDropDownDataGrid.OnLoadData(..) when query.Count() is called (line 243 in 3.2.2 version).

Here is the example code to reproduce the error:

<RadzenDropDownDataGrid TValue="string" @bind-Value="myValue" Data=@(myCustomers)
                        FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" AllowFiltering="true" AllowClear="true"
                        TextProperty="CompanyName" ValueProperty="CustomerID"
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="CustomerID" Title="CustomerID" Width="100px" />
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="CompanyName" Title="CompanyName" Width="200px" />
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="Optional" Title="Optional" Width="200px" />

@code {
    public class Customer
        public string CustomerID { get; set; }
        public string CompanyName { get; set; }
        public string Optional { get; set; }

    private List<Customer> myCustomers = new List<Customer>()
        new Customer() { CustomerID = "1", CompanyName = "ABC", Optional = "hello" },
        new Customer() { CustomerID = "2", CompanyName = "CDE", Optional = "hi" },
        new Customer() { CustomerID = "3", CompanyName = "EFG", Optional = null },

    private string myValue;

Please, would it be possible to fix it?

Also there is a strange implementation in that OnLoadData(..) method.
If AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns = true then FilterProperty is used for the filtering query.
However if AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns = false then just TextProperty is used for the filtering query.

I believe it would be consistent if the FilterProperty is specified then it would be used in both cases.

if (AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns)
	query = query.Where(string.Join(" || ", grid.ColumnsCollection.Where(c => IsColumnFilterPropertyTypeString(c))
		.Select(c => GetPropertyFilterExpression(c.GetFilterProperty(), filterCaseSensitivityOperator))),
			FilterCaseSensitivity == FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive ? searchText.ToLower() : searchText);
	// ??? -> Could FilterProperty be used here?
	query = query.Where($"{GetPropertyFilterExpression(TextProperty, filterCaseSensitivityOperator)}",
		FilterCaseSensitivity == FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive ? searchText.ToLower() : searchText);

I am also having a null issue with my second column.