
Not sure where to post this, tbh. I have a few pages up and running now, and I can navigate between them using the NavigationManager,NavigateTo construct, but when moving between some pages (not all), I see, for a very short moment, the Index page, which amounts to a very annoying flicker.

Is anyone aware of why this happens, especially only when navigating to some pages?


Try to disable prerendering

Thanks enchev,

That didn't work, I have now found out that if I use the NavigateTo ... command from a button, it works fine, but if I use it from a Link component I get the flicker? In both cases a function is invoked, in fact the same function is invoked?

What prerendering you've set and didn't worked? Do you have any Path specified for the Link component? NavigateTo() is a framework method provided by Microsoft Blazor, it's not part of Radzen Blazor library.

Yes, I know. The flicker does not happen if I use a RadzenButton, but it does if I use a RadzenLink.

These are the two entries...

   <RadzenLink Text="Customer Dashboard" @onclick="@Cancel" Style="color: #0332ff; font-size: 12px" class="text-decoration-underline"></RadzenLink>
    <RadzenButton Shade="Radzen.Shade.Default" Size="Radzen.ButtonSize.Small" Variant="Radzen.Variant.Text" Text="Dashboard" class="text-decoration-underline" ButtonStyle="Radzen.ButtonStyle.Primary" Style="text-transform: capitalize; text-decoration: underline" Click="Cancel"></RadzenButton>

The first one (the link) shows the flicker, the second does not.

At least I know.


Will you post the code you've tried?

I can't, sorry, I've reworked the page to use the button method instead. I have a question on that but will start another post.

Many thanks for the help

The code I'm referring is not part of the page but it's set globally for the application.

Couldn't see how to change it there. But I'm sorted now, thanks...