Namespace "Template" unknown

I use Radzen components as the basis for my own component library. To reduce some code, I want to create a DataGridColumn component that implements the general structure of a column, so that in the end I only have to pass the column title and the content information.

@typeparam TItem;

@using Radzen;
@using Radzen.Blazor;

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="TItem">
	@* <Template>

@code {
	[Parameter] public string MyTitle { get; set; } = "default title";
	[Parameter] public Template<TItem> Content { get; set; }

But here I'm having trouble, because the namespace Template is unknown:

The type or namespace name 'Template<>' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Shouldn't it be known because I import Radzen at the beginning? What am I missing?

You have unclosed comment.

There is also no such thing as Template<>. You probably need RenderFragment<TItem> which is a built-in Blazor type.