Multiline alerts


Is it possible to create multi line alerts (and also "\t" or something simmilar for text formating)? I have tried adding "\n" and "
" and Environment.NewLine to the output string but nothing is working for me.

My code looks like this:

<RadzenAlert AlertStyle="AlertStyle.Info" ShowIcon="false" Variant="Variant.Filled" Shade="Shade.Light" Text="@selectedRowText" @bind-Visible="alertVisible"/>

selectedRow = new List<LoggingMsgPlc>();
selectedRowText = selectedRow[0].MsgNumber + "\t" + selectedRow[0].MsgName + "\t" + selectedRow[0].Ts + "\n" + selectedRow[0].MsgText;
alertVisible = true;


Maybe you can simply define desired markup as child content:

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Thank you for fast reply. Using child content works for me perfectly.