MSSQL Timeout property does not work

Dear Team,
I need to adjust the MSSQL Timeout for stored procedures.
Currently, there are 30 seconds.
I tried to adjust the property in the Radzen MSSQL properties, but it has no effect on application.

I use: Radzen 2.84.3 with .Net Core 6.0

Thank you

The timeout property is currently used in the connection string only to specify the connection timeout:

Connection Timeout=60

It is not used for command timeouts.

You can extend the EF context that Radzen has generated for your database via partial class and set the desired timeout:

namespace SampleAngular.Data
  public partial class SampleContext
    partial void OnModelBuilding(ModelBuilder builder)

Thank you for the code.
Unfortunately, I tried this code and I ended with the.Net error:
A DbContext instance cannot be used inside 'OnModelCreating' in any way that makes use of the model that is being created.
Is there something I miss?

I appreciate your help

Let's try something else. Extend the Startup like this:

  public partial class Startup
    partial void OnConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
      services.AddDbContext<SampleAngular.Data.SampleContext>(options =>
         sqlServerOptions => sqlServerOptions.CommandTimeout(60));

Replace Sample with the name of your database. This should set the command execution timeout.

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Thank you, this approach works.

Unfortunately, after the test, we found, that this approach does not modify command timeout.
Or this setting is somehow ignored.

I have used the code generation ignore list and added a row directly to the controller - that works but it is not the preferred solution.

I am afraid we don't have another solution.