Missing bar

Hi. I've just installed this extension. When editing a document in VS 2022, I now can't see the bar that's usually at the top of the screen that allows me to quickly navigate between open documents or function within a document. Is there a setting I need to alter in either Radzen or VS to restore this?

This is how it looks now

And how it was


Hi @SolutionJ,

Those toolbars should be still available for .cs files.


Hi @korchev,

Is your example using partial classes? Because the navigation bar disappears when you are showing the .razor file, then appears when you show a .cs file.

I'm not using partial classes, maybe that's where the problem lies?

I'm pretty sure this is it. If I have a .razor file open, then the navigation tab is not showing, or is maybe hidden behind the radzen menu bar. Could you please see if this can be changed so that the VS Navigation Bar still appears?

Many thanks

I am not sure I follow. Do you want those navigation bars to appear for .razor files? Your screenshot shows a .razor and a .cs file.

That was the easiest way to show you what has changed. If I edit a .razor file that includes an @code block, the Navigation Bar no longer appears. It did before I installed the Radzen Extension.

VS 2022 does show the Navigation Bar in .Razor files as well as in .cs files.

Here's a screenshot of a .razoer file when it's initially opened now (after installing the extension).

What I've just discovered is that if I then scroll to the c# @code block, click on a function declaration, find all references to it, and then click one of those refences, a second tab opens, showing the same file again, and this one has the Navigation tab showing!


The same file - DGTicketLotsEdit.razor, is now open twice, one showing the Navigation Bar, the other the Radzen bar.


We will investigate if it is possible to show those dropdowns in the Radzen extension.

Ok, much obliged. The extension looks very good, by the way, it will certainly speed things up for me :slightly_smiling_face: