Min and Max values are being ignored in RadzenValueAxis


I added a RadzenChart with ColumnSeries in my Blazor Server-Side project. I added a RadzenValueAxis element to specify Min=0, Step = 500, Max=4000, my values all being in a 1800-2900 range.
The graph is included in a RadzenTabsItem. I have 2 tabs in this page.

It works perfectly fine the first time it loads, the Y axis starts at 0 and the maximum is at 4000.
But when I go to another tab, then back to the tab containing the graph, now, the minimum value of the Y axis adjusts automatically at 1500 and the maximum at 3000.

Is there a way to make the Min and Max values stick when switching tabs?

Thank you

                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@data" CategoryProperty="QuarterLabel" Title="Budget" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="prop1">
                        <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="false" />
                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@data" CategoryProperty="QuarterLabel" Title="E1" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="prop2">
                        <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="false" />
                <RadzenColumnOptions Radius="5" Width="20" />
                    <RadzenCategoryAxis Padding="20" />
                <RadzenValueAxis Formatter="@FormatAsKEUR">
                        <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
                        <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Budget in kEUR" />
                    **<RadzenValueAxis Min="0" Step="500" Max="6000" />**

Result of the first load (I used a max of 6000 in that test, to make it obvious)

Result of second load, after switching tabs

Hi @damien7792,

I updated our online demo to this

        <RadzenTabsItem Text="Other tab">
            Other tab
        <RadzenTabsItem Text="Chart tab">
            <RadzenCard Class="w-100 mb-4">
                <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="@showDataLabels" Name="dataLabels"></RadzenCheckBox>
                <RadzenLabel Text="Show Data Labels" For="dataLabels"
                    Style="margin-left: 8px; vertical-align: middle;" />
                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue2020" CategoryProperty="Quarter" Title="2020"
                    LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="Revenue">
                    <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="@showDataLabels" />
                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@revenue2019" CategoryProperty="Quarter" Title="2019" ValueProperty="Revenue">
                    <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="@showDataLabels" />
                <RadzenColumnOptions Radius="5" />
                <RadzenValueAxis Formatter="@FormatAsUSD" Step="500000" Min="0" Max="2000000">
                    <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
                    <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Revenue in USD" />

This seems to work as expected though - the Min and Max values are taken under consideration after switching tabs.


Can you provide a minimal reproduction of the issue so we can troubleshoot further?

Thank you for your answer.
Sure, here is a basic page with 2 tabs with one graph each that shows the issue.
In the "By Quarter" tab, the axis goes from 0-4000 to 1800-2400. And in the "By Month" tab, it doesn't show the 0-4000 because by the time I click on that tab, the scale has already been reset.


@page "/testphasing"
@using Classes;


<RadzenTabs TabPosition="TabPosition.Top" RenderMode="TabRenderMode.Client">

        <RadzenTabsItem Text="By Quarter">

                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@quarterData" CategoryProperty="Label" Title="ValueA" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="ValueA">
                        <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="false" />
                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@quarterData" CategoryProperty="Label" Title="ValueB" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="ValueB">
                        <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="false" />
                <RadzenColumnOptions Radius="5" Width="20" />
                    <RadzenCategoryAxis Padding="20" />
                        <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
                        <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Budget in kEUR" />
                    <RadzenValueAxis Min="0" Step="500" Max="4000" />


        <RadzenTabsItem Text="By Month">

                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@monthData" CategoryProperty="Label" Title="ValueA" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="ValueA">
                    <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="false" />
                <RadzenColumnSeries Data="@monthData" CategoryProperty="Label" Title="ValueB" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="ValueB">
                    <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="false" />
                <RadzenColumnOptions Radius="5" Width="20" />
                <RadzenCategoryAxis Padding="20" />
                    <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
                    <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Budget in kEUR" />
                    <RadzenValueAxis Min="0" Step="500" Max="4000" />


@code {
    private List<DataPoint> quarterData = new();
    private List<DataPoint> monthData = new();

    protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()

    private void LoadData()
        quarterData = new List<DataPoint>() { new DataPoint() { Label = "Q1", ValueA = 1850.50, ValueB = 2100.80 }, new DataPoint() { Label = "Q2", ValueA = 1985.74, ValueB = 2250.25 } };
        monthData = new List<DataPoint>() { new DataPoint() { Label = "Jan", ValueA = 615.50, ValueB = 740.80 }, new DataPoint() { Label = "Feb", ValueA = 630.74, ValueB = 750.25 } };

This looks invalid - there is a nested RadzenValueAxis tag which isn't supported.

Try this:

                <RadzenValueAxis Min="0" Step="500" Max="4000">
                    <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
                    <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Budget in kEUR" />

Ouch, sorry about that! That was the issue :-/
Thanks for catching it!