Migrating a Project from Radzen Studio to Radzen Balzor Studio

I'm currently using Radzen Studio for a larger project and wanted to try if migration to Radzen Blazor Studio works.

So I simply opened the solution file in the Radzen Balzor Studio and so far it seems to be working. However, I discovered some issues...

My app is .NET 7 Blazor Server Side, uses a SQL Server data source and uses Azure AD (Office 365) authentication.

The pages seem to open correctly, but the roles (security) are not shown/set correctly.

On some complex pages when I click the "Data" button/tab next to the "UI" button, nothing happens and after that, any other other page gives me a dialog box "Failed to Fetch". The only way to get rid of this is to close Radzen and to restart it.

Another issue is that when I click on "Data" in the left pane menu, a window with a progress indicator appears telling me that it is looking for existing data sources. However, this runs forever and does not show my datasource.

When I click on "Security" the dialog for selecting the security provider appears (the same that also comes up when having a blank new project). So it does not recognize my existing security settings.

Is there anything I need to take into account when migrating a project from Radzen Studio? Or is there anything I should do upfront (e.g. in VS) to make the project gain a better compatibilty?

Thanks for your help!

You seem to have discovered some issues tajt are unknown. Please send us the app source code so we can investigate further. There aren’t any additional steps required to migrate an application - just opening it with Radze Blazor Studio should have been enough.

Thanks. Where can I send it to? I already tried to send you a download link with further information regarding another issue yesterday but both info@radzen.com and support@radzen.com bounced the email...

The email is info@radzen.com make sure you are not sending a big attachment. What was the bounce message?

The mail is bounced with this error:

"The security or policy settings in radzen.com rejected your message." Statuscode: 550 5.7.1

The attachment is a ZIP file with a size of 110KB.

This is the first time I see this error. Can you send us the zip file as a private forum message instead?

Sure, however, I did not find a PM function in your forum. Were is this located?

I have just sent you a private message- you can reply to it.

I mostly manged to get the migration working, but one thing regarding security is still not working fully:

In Radzen Studio I enabled "Azure AD Authentication" and for some pages I set the roles which are allowed to access.

Now in Blazor Studio this code still works fine and if I open a page with access restrictions, the roles that are allowed are correctly shown in the sidebar on the right side of the page editor.

However, I cannot edit these. If I have a page with no restrictions and I enter the name of a role, the input field becomes blank again.

There is a little button next to the field where I'm supposed to load the roles, but this also does not work (nothing happens).

So what needs to be done to make this work correctly in Balzor Studio at design time?

You just enter the role that you want and press enter.

Right. After restarting Balzor Studio and loading my solution again, it actually did work that way. Strange though that it did not do before... anyway, thanks!