Maximum Any/All Depth

I created a datagrid with a relatively deep expand chain. I used a filter which used 2 nested any's. On the OData query, I get an error as follows:

"The Any/All nesting limit of '1' has been exceeded. 'MaxAnyAllExpressionDepth' can be configured on ODataQuerySettings or EnableQueryAttribute."

I see that the parameter is here. However, I could not know where/how to integrate this new parameter to the radzen project (not experienced in C#). Can you please help me with this?


Hi @ozgur_agi,

We can add it to EnableQueryAttribute similar to MaxExpansionDepth and MaxNodeCount settings:

For example MaxAnyAllExpressionDepth=10. Will this work for you?

Thank you for the help. I added it to the initial controller and added that file to "Ignore code generation list" (since it was replaced if I dont do it.)

Now all works, thanks :slight_smile: