Master/Detail hierarchy reloads data on row expand

I'm using the datagrid in a master/detail hierarchy scenario bound to an IQueryable and it is working properly.

    <RadzenContent Container="main">
      <RadzenHeading Size="H1" Text="Audit Logs" />
      <div class="row">
         <div class="col-md-12">
            <RadzenButton Icon="add_circle_outline" style="margin-bottom: 10px" Text="Add" Click="@AddNewClicked" />
            <RadzenGrid Context="masterGrid" @ref="grid" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" PageSize="20"
                        TItem="AuditLog" Data="@items" RowSelect="@GridRowSelect" RowExpand="@GridRowExpanded">
                  <RadzenGrid Context="detailGrid" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" Data="@masterGrid.Details" TItem="AuditLogDetail">
                        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLogDetail" Property="Id" Title="Id" />
                        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLogDetail" Property="Field" Title="Field" />
                        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLogDetail" Property="OldValue" Title="OldValue" />
                        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLogDetail" Property="NewValue" Title="NewValue" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="Id" Title="Id" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="CorrelationId" Title="CorrelationId" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="UserId" Title="UserId" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="EntityId" Title="EntityId" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="EntityTypeName" Title="EntityTypeName" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="ChangeType" Title="ChangeType" />
                  <RadzenGridColumn TItem="AuditLog" Property="ChangedOnUtc" Title="ChangedOnUtc"  />

The bound data has a property called Details that is lazy loaded. When exapanding a row, the data gets lazy loaded from the database and popullated in the details grid. However, checking the sql server profiler, each expansions also triggers the reload of data from the current page for the master grid.

Is it a bug?

Corrected in the latest version of Radzen.Blazor.

Thank you Vladimir. It is working as expected now.