Make RadzenButton behave like a Link

Is it possible to use a RadzenButton so it behaves like a simple link?

Have inspected the documentation but can not find a way to let the RadzenButton act like a link or the RadzenLink can be visualized as a button.

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Not sure what you are after, will you share more info? You can use for example NavigationManager.NavigateTo(String, Boolean) on Button Click event.

I have to open a link to the phone system, and that just an url with target="_blank".

I have not succeded with NavigationManager in that regard.

RadzenLink works very well for this, but just like to have it visualized as a button.

Here is another option:

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You guys are so awesome:

private async void CallNumber(MouseEventArgs args)
    await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("open", PhoneAction, "_blank");

This works perfect...!

It works too:

<a href=@($"/report/{System.DateTime.Now.Year}")><RadzenButton Text="Report XPTO" /></a>