LoginComponent (register and recovery)


I'm new using blazor + radzen and I'm making a new website with it.

Today I saw the "Radzen LoginComponent" and, testing it, I think is a good component.

After the basic implementation, I searched for a "reset password component" or "Register component" but I didn't see anything.

Is something like that or maybe I need to do it by myself?

For reset password I mean something like "mail | send recovery link", other component with the tipical "password and repeat password"
For the register I mean a form with "username | mail | password | repeat password"

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Fran,

We don't have dedicated components for reset password and user registration. Our product Radzen Blazor Studio however can generate those pages out of the box.

Hello korchev

Thanks for your help. I'll check Radzen blazor studio in detail to create it!
