Login Layout Background ( slideshow / image carousel )

Hi ,
Is there a way to change the background image of the login-layout in runtime ? creating a sort of slideshow / image carousel ?

I have a table with all the images available with name and path :
The idea is to load each X seconds / minutes a new image and using style.transition from the current image to the new one.

I have done this with JavasScript in other projects ( non Radzen / Angular) , there I'm targeting the body tag using setInterval(fnChangeImage, 15000) after page load.

in the function : fnChangeImage  getting the body-section and setting its style  like.

  var urlString = 'url(../Images/' + bgimage  + ')';
	body.style.transition = 'background-image 4s linear 1s';
        body.style.backgroundImage = urlString    
        body.style.backgroundPosition = 'center';
	body.style.backgroundSize = 'cover';	 

bgimage is an element that contains the filename using an Array with filenames retrieved from the database using javascript..

Any help on this ? there is no body-background element with the Radzen page.


You can use the same code in your Radzen application. It has a <body> element as all HTML pages. You can access it via document.body. And invoke setInterval(fnChangeImage, 15000) in the Load event of your page.


Where in the designer can we inject an JavaScript that works after login layout is used ?
Including JavaScript file would probably work best, I want this change but should not be affected after a deploy .

Pointers ?

You can try the Load event of the login layout or login page as I suggested in my reply.