Log in using Microsoft 365 account?

Hi - is there a way to enable (or will there be future support for) authenticating / logging in to my Radzen app using a Microsoft 365 business account? Would love to simplify the user experience while also using Multi Factor Authentication.


You can use Azure AD for this type of Authentication. Radzen does support this under "Security" in your application.

If you want to use multi factor authentication (MFA), the easiest way is that the user have MFA enabled on the O365 account the user uses to login with.

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Sorry - but can't find Azure AD as type of authentication, only Active Directory. Is using O365 supported? If so - how can I add this? Thx!!

Azure AD security is available only in Radzen Blazor applications.

Any recommendations on how to integrate MFA?

Azure AD is the only suggestion we have. Otherwise one has to implement Microsoft's solution which requires a third party application or a third party service (for sending SMS).