ListBox add new items and remove

I have two listboxes(left and right). I want to move selected items from left to right and remove from right, if needed. Below is my code

OnChangeLeft(args, "Left ListBox")) Style="margin-bottom: 20px; height:200px; width:300px;" />   OnChangeRight(args, "ListBox with custom filtering")) Style="margin-bottom: 20px; height:200px; width:300px;" />

When I click on the button, I want to add/remove items from listboxes and add to the right listbox.

I cant find a way to achieve this functionality.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

You can add/remove items from the collection bound to Data property.

I can see the IEnumerable items on the Change event. how does it get added to the second listbox

Not sure how this is related - check my previous reply again.

Great!! thanks for your prompt response. It helped.