Line Chart - Can't use RadzenMarkers and TooltipTemplate together

I'm trying to add a tooltip to the chart while keeping MarkerType:

                <RadzenLineSeries Smooth="@smooth" Data="@Data" CategoryProperty="Date" Title="2019" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="Score" >
                    <RadzenMarkers MarkerType="MarkerType.Diamond" />
                       <TooltipTemplate Context="data">
                        <div>   <strong>test1</strong>    </div>

but it would not allow me to. I can use either one or another, but not together.
Error: Unrecognized child content inside component 'RadzenLineSeries'. The component 'RadzenLineSeries' accepts child content through the following top-level items: 'ChildContent', 'TooltipTemplate'.

Is there a way I can use both?

Also, the default tooltip appears above a wrong item. If I hover over one point on chart the tooltip appears over the adjacent point or even two point to the left.

Hi @aklysheiko,

You can try nesting RadzenMarkers inside ChildContent:

   <RadzenMarkers MarkerType="MarkerType.Diamond" />
<TooltipTemplate Context="data">
   <div>   <strong>test1</strong>    </div>