Latest .NET 9 update (9.0.200 preview) seems to break RBS

I upgraded my Visual Studio the other day to latest.. I have VS2022 and preview installed.

On opening RBS today, I got this .NET 9 preview error on starting

OK, I thought, I don't want preview anyway, but hitting OK and clicking new application gives me a blank page like so "loading available templates" which never returned any.. and I can't do anything else..

If I enable the .NET 9 preview SDK, everything seems to work as usual.

That’s what the message encourages you, to enable preview versions of the.NET from the settings. Simply hitting Ok will not do anything.

Yes, that makes sense.. but if I don't enable it I can no longer create new apps. I'm forced to enable it.. I've always had Preview VS installed as well so this is definitely a new issue.

Radzen Blazor Studio never supported and will never officially support preview versions of .NET - your application might be rendered correctly or maybe not.

Yes, I understand.. but i'm saying RBS no longer works for me UNLESS I enable the preview thing..
If preview is NOT enabled, I just get the blank page when when trying to create a new application.

Yes, that’s how should work.

hmm, I'm still confused..

A. So why did this error only occur after the last VS update?
B. You said, "Radzen Blazor Studio never supported and will never officially support preview version" - makes sense
C. You said, "that’s how should work." after I said that PREVIEW needs to be enabled to work..

Anyway don't worry.. I've given up for now..

I’ll try to explain again. RBS will not support previews and will show a message if preview version is detected. You can enable “working with preview .NET version” from the RBS settings however this still not guarantees that everything will work as expected. Preview versions in software are very early stage of release - it’s before even beta:

Yes, that makes perfect sense.. I agree that's how it should be..

But, I think you missed the point, that RBS is broken now for me. All I changed was updating Visual Studio (normal, preview and tooling) to latest.

I updated RBS to latest as well after this, but it still won't open the new dialogue (as above).

but, if I do enable preview in RBS, things work as normal..

And I've always had VS Preview installed... but never had this error as per screenshot.

I’m afraid I cannot add anything else - I tried my best to help. Using preview version of a software is at your own risk. I’m closing this thread.